All applicable FLTR products meet the stringent standards of the world’s most reputable and trusted regulatory organizations.
ASTM is an international standards body which defines and implements more than 12,000 test protocols for a huge range of products. ASTM has been in business for more than 120 years with 140 participating countries. They seek to enhance product performance to give consumers confidence in the products they purchase.
Only the Best Suppliers
FLTR’s well-developed supply chain and robust overseas operations allow us to work with the world’s best manufacturers and suppliers. Intensive factory pre-screening, regulatory validation and continuous auditing ensure that our suppliers are world class and deliver the most effective product.
In-House Testing and Inspection
Once product leaves the manufacturing facility, it goes to a separate FLTR testing and inspection facility. FLTR owns and operates a huge range of high-tech testing equipment to ensure each product continuously meets robust standards. Detailed inspection of every product shipment in a clean-room environment maintains our high standards and ensures our supply partners always deliver premium performance and safety.
Independent 3rd Party Testing
As a third layer of safety and performance validation, FLTR tests all product with internationally recognized 3rd party testing companies. For masks, we test with Intertek. Intertek has been ensuring the quality and safety of products for more than 130 years. Through their global network of state-of-the-art facilities and industry-leading technical expertise, they provide innovative and bespoke Assurance, Testing, Inspection and Certification services to customers worldwide. Intertek tests independently verify FLTR masks for bacterial filtration, particulate filtration, inhalation/exhalation performance and more to ensure every FLTR mask performs to the expected standard.